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First Summit Forum on Artificial Intelligence Data Annotation Held in Beijing
Source:Comprehensive Management Department Date:2020-12-25

On December 22nd, the first "Summit Forum on Artificial Intelligence(AI) Data Annotation" was held in Beijing under the joint guidance of the State Information Center and the office of Anhui leading group to support Tibet and Xinjiang. With the theme of "Silk Road-AI-Annotation-Poverty Alleviation", the forum was the first to be held in China with the development of artificial intelligence data annotation as the theme. Zhang Xueying, Vice President of State Information Center(SIC) attended the forum and gave a speech.


Zhang Xueying pointed out that since the beginning of the new century, the vigorous development of the digital economy has been manifested. The digital economy, with "digital industrialization" and "industrial digitalization" as its core features, has led a new round of scientific and technological and industrial revolution. Therefore, developing and cultivating the potential of the digital economy have become an important supporting factor of China's economy to implement the dual circulation strategy. As one of many new formats spawned by the vigorous development of digital economy, AI annotation shows the promising prospect, and is of great significance for the industry classification, industrial cooperation and productivity allocation of digital economy. Therefore, SIC hopes that the participants will adhere to the new concept of cooperation in the digital age of openness, inclusiveness, sharing and win-win, and grasp the historical opportunity of the new round of digital revolution accurately, thus working together to promote the full flourish of AI annotation with the forum as a channel, contributing to the development of China's digital economy and the "fight to win the battle against extreme poverty and eradicate it".


Data, algorithm and computing power are known as the troika of AI industry. Data is the foundation of AI, and data annotation is the main source to obtain data. The data annotation industry is both intelligence-intensive and labor-intensive, featuring high labor demand, low recruit standard, strong comparative advantage and few restrictive factors. Striving to develop the AI data annotation industry and contribute to overcoming poverty are significant for promoting the construction of the core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt and achieving high-quality development. Focusing on the implementation of the Party's strategy of governing Xinjiang autonomous region in the new era, especially the "two major issues of eradicate poverty and promote employment", the forum explored new industries and new formats in the Belt and Road Initiative and consolidated the achievements of poverty alleviation and new measures and platforms for employment promotion. It will play a positive role in improving the quality of economic development and enhancing people's well-being.