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Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Big Data Center Construction and Data Factor Market Cultivation Seminar Was Held
Source:Department of Big Data Development Date:2020-12-17

On December 15th, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(hereinafter referred as the Bay Area) Big Data Center Construction and Data Factor Market Cultivation Seminar was held in Shenzhen under the guidance of the State Information Center (SIC). The Seminar was jointly sponsored by the Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen, Shenzhen Municipal Government Affairs Data Administration, the Peoples Government of Futian District, and was undertaken by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Big Data Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Institute). Ai Xuefeng, Vice Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal Government, Zhou Min, Vice President of the SIC and Du Ping, Director of the Institute, attended the Seminar and delivered speeches.


Ai Xuefeng pointed out that the establishment of the Institute was a major achievement of the joint effort of SIC and Shenzhen to promote the building of the Bay Area and pilot demonstration zone, and it was also a practical exploration to fully develop the data value and help cultivate data factor markets. We hope that the Institute could take full advantage of its location in the "direct joint region" including Hetao, Shenzhen and Hong Kong to promote the development of big data technology, policy research and industrial incubator, facilitate the collaborative innovation of government, enterprises, education, research, finance and application, thus creating an innovative engine for the development of digital economy in the Bay Area.


Zhou Min said that the SIC established a strategic partnership with the Shenzhen Municipal Government in November 2018, and proposed a joint research on the fundamental issues of data factor market cultivation such as cross-border data flow, digital asset evaluation and data pricing transactions. After two years, both sides have made positive progresses in jointly promoting the development of big data in the Bay Area, and carried out a series of prospective and demonstrative innovation research and pilot applications. In the future, the SIC will play a better role as the main force of national information infrastructure. Taking this Seminar as an opportunity, SIC will work more closely with Shenzhen and all participants, help transform the "potential energy" of data resources into the "growth energy" for high-quality development.


Leaders and experts from the Department of Big Data Development of the SIC and the Internet Financial Law Research Institute of China University of Political Science and Law delivered keynote speeches respectively on the role of the Bay Area Big Data Center, data legislation and power confirmation in data factor market cultivation. Experts from Tsinghua University, Beijing Jiaotong University, National Internet Finance Association of China, Hangzhou Data Quality Research Institute, Hua Kong Tsing Jiao company and other units made special reports. Participants had a discussion on building the Bay Area Big Data Center and data factor market cultivation.


The Seminar also witnessed the opening ceremony of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Big Data Institute and Engineering Laboratory of Big Data Distribution and Exchange Technologies.


Guo Ziping, Director-General of the Development and Reform Commission of Shenzhen and Zeng Jianpeng, Vice Director-General, Liu Jiachen, Director-General of the Shenzhen Municipal Government Affairs Data Administration and Vice Director-General Wang Yaowen, Zheng Hongbo, Secretary of the Futian District, Huang Wei, District Mayor, and Ouyang Huiyu, Deputy District Mayor, attended the Seminar. Yu Shiyang, Director-General and Wei Ying, Vice Director-General and other relevant persons in charge of the Department of Big Data Development of the SIC, leaders, experts and scholars from various fields including key universities, scientific research institutions, financial institutions, well-known enterprises in digital economy and authorities of national and Shenzhen municipal level participated in the Seminar.