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The First Stage of National Investment Online Approval Platform Program Passes Completion Inspection
Source:Department of Public Technical Service Date:2018-12-12

The first stage of National Investment Online Approval Platform Program (‘Online Platform’ below) passed completion inspection on December 12, 2018.


The Inspection Committee, formed by experts from National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing Economic Information Center, Hebei Economic Information Center, State information Center and from information engineering field, unanimously believes, the first stage of online platform has accomplished all the approved tasks and realized expected targets, with advanced and suitable technology and good quality, as well as a good effect in application. It can play a key role in supporting investment approval system reform and improving project approval efficiency, etc.

During the meeting, officials from Fixed Investment Department of NDRC gave high positive response to the effect of the platform, saying that it strongly supports the reform on investment and financing system, and becomes the basic platform of administering investment for the reform departments, the synergy platform of joint approval tasks of various levels and departments, the service platform that benefits investors at all levels, the decision-making service platform that supports investment management improvement, and the platform that weighs more on supervision retrospectively than prospectively.


Vice President Zhou Min said in summary, the completion approval of the first stage of the project shows that China has made an important step on interdepartmental and cross-regional e-government project construction. Precious experience has been gathered in the process, while support and cooperation from parties, and planning and unified standard are the premise of the successful implementation. Meanwhile, developing and improving online platform are a long-term task. Next, SIC will work on the management of the online platform, improve the communication with local operation units to achieve the targets about the operation, process and coverage. We shall ask for governing bodies’ support and overcome difficulties in the operation. Reform and innovation are needed and the second stage will be planned and started at proper time.


The online platform is the first national investment approval synergized operation platform that covers various levels, regions, departments and is built with the China e-Government Network. The synergized network connects 47 central government departments horizontally, and 31 provinces (autonomous regions, cities), 5 municipalities with independent planning status and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps vertically. Approving investment from unclassified businesses has been ‘collected on the platform, processed with synergy, supervised by duty, and monitored all along’, paving the way for the investment projects across the country to be processed online, linked accordingly, served with synergy and supervised by law.