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Seminar on Building National Public Data Opening-up Platform Held in Chongqing
Source:Department of Big Data Development Date:2020-12-08

The seminar on Buidling National Public Data Opening-up Platform held at Xiantao BigData Valley in Chongqing on the afternoon of December 4th. The seminar was sponsored by the State Information Center and undertaken by the Chongqing Western Big Data Frontier Application Research Institute(hereinafter referred as the Western Institute). Liu Yunan, President of the State Information Center(SIC), Luo Qingquan, Director-General of Chongqing Big Data Application and Development Administration, and Xu Yongde, member of the Standing Committee of Yubei District Committee in Chongqing, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Zhou Min, Vice President of the SIC, made concluding remarks. The seminar was presided over by Yu Shiyang, Director-General of the Department of Big Data Development, SIC. Participants of the meeting included person in charge of the Department of Public Technical Service of the SIC, relevant staffs from the Department of Big Data Development, General Office, and the Comprehensive Management Department, and the persons in charge of relevant business from the Cyberspace Administration of China and 22 provinces and cities such as Chongqing, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, etc.



Liu Yunan mentioned in his speech that accelerating data opening-up is of great importance for implementing the national big data strategy and the construction of digital china. Data opening-up serves as an important precondition for building a data factor market at a super scale, an important guarantee for achieving the modernization of governance capacity and system, and an important way to create a digital cultural ecology. Liu Yunan emphasized that SIC has actively implemented the deployment and requirements on data opening-up, focused on the main business and main responsibilities, implemented the work measures in detail, and formed a data opening-up system with "one platform, one group of events and one set of books". To accelerate the formation of a public data opening-up system characterized with central-local coordination, cross-region coordination and government-enterprise coordination, a collaborative innovation ecology of "1 + 4 + N" should be established. "1" refers to focusing on key areas, creating a cross-entity data opening-up system, and developing a number of application demonstrations; "4" refers to establishing a cross-department and cross-region organization and coordination system, a technical support system, an application promotion system, and an incentive system; and "N" refers to developing a certain number of innovative applications.


Leaders and experts from the Department of Big Data Development of SIC, Fudan University and Chongqing Big Data Application and Development Administration gave speeches on specific topics, representatives from Zhejiang, Shandong, Guizhou, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shenzhen and other local institutes gave speeches on building experience of data opening-up platform , and raised constructive suggestions on the development of national public data opening-up platform.


The launching ceremony of China Smart City Data Opening-up Innovation Application Competition and China University Data-driven Innovation Competition was also held in the meeting.



In the concluding remarks, Zhou Min pointed out that we should attach great importance to the significance of public data opening-up, accelerate the construction of data opening-up platform system, issue relevant management measures and series of rules and regulations, make the data opening-up catalogue, accelerate the construction of standardization and carry out data opening-up evaluation.