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Leaders of the State Information Center Went to Chongqing Western Big Data Frontier Application Research Institute for Field Survey
Source:Department of Big Data Development Date:2020-12-04

On the morning of December 4th, Liu Yunan, President of the State Information Center(SIC) and Zhou Min, Vice President went to Chongqing Western Big Data Frontier Application Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the Western Institute) for field survey, and had an exchange discussion with all the staff of the Western Institute.



The meeting was hosted by Yu Shiyang, Director-General of the Department of Big Data Development, SIC. Chen Qiang, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Big Data Development and President of the Western Institute, gave a detailed report on the work of the Institute in the past year, such as Party building and business.


Zhou Min affirmed the work of the Western Institute, and proposed that the Western Institute should further lay equal stress on decision-making support services of the SIC and Chongqing government, lay equal stress on research and technology, and lay equal stress on business development and talent training.


In the concluding speech, Liu Yunan pointed out that the Western Institute has not only overcome the test of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past year, but also shown the welcomed improvements in three aspects. First, the spirit of the staffs of the Western Institute have been mature. Second, business has been developed to a new level with a number of reports being commented by the Party Central Committee, the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and municiple-level leaders of Chongqing. The original aspiration of the Western Institute has been fully fulfilled with remarkable achievements, which shall have our congratulations. Third, the Western Institute has been working closely with the Department of Big Data Development in terms of unity, work and standpoint to provide great momentum for future development.


Concerning the future development of the Western Institute, Liu Yunan pointed out that it is necessary to focus on "one mission", reach "two goals in innovation" and enhance "three capabilities". As for "one mission", we should keep in mind the core of serving scientific decision-making with big data, to better serve the decision-making needs of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and the National Development and Reform Commission, and the development needs of Data Valley, Chongqing and the western region. As for "two goals in innovation", we should pay attention to innovations in both Party building and business. Party building should be put on the top priority, innovations in which shall be explored according to the characteristics of private non-enterprise institutions; with regard to business innovation, we should follow the new trend and requirements set out in the 14th Five-Year Plan to realize a new pattern of integrated development of businesses with decision support as the core, combined with features of the Western Institute. The "three capbilities" refer to the capabilities in business, research and social influence. We should strengthen the basic skills in data application, document writing, and frontier research on big data, and devote ourselves to provide more and better products and services for Chongqing and the western region. According to Liu Yunan, the leadership of the Western Institute should take care for staffs not only in business level, but also in mind and daily life levels.


Wang Xiaoping, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Chongqing Xiantao Data Valley Investment Co., Ltd., praised the work of the Western Institute and hoped that the SIC would give full play to the advantages of the "national team", and devote more resources to the development of the Western Institute in order to take its businesses to a new height.


Liu Jianguo, Director-General of the Department of Public Technical Service and staffs from the Department of Big Data Development, General Office and the Comprehensive Management Department of the SIC attended the meeting.