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The First Blockchain Service Network (BSN) Partner Conference Held in Hangzhou
Source:Information and Industry Development Department Date:2019-12-02

On December 1, 2019, the first Blockchain Service Network (BSN) Partner Conference and Blockchain Service Network, sponsored by the State Information Center and sponsored by Hangzhou Municipal People's Government and Zhejiang Mobile, assisted social governance and the pilot project of the Urban Brain City Platform. The launching ceremony was held in Hangzhou. Liu Yunan, the President of State Information Center, Li Huidi, Vice President of China Mobile, Ke Jixin, deputy mayor of Hangzhou, and Liu Fengjun, assistant president of China UnionPay attended the conference.

At the conference, President Liu Yunan delivered a speech on behalf of the organizers. He pointed out that the blockchain has a great potential to improve the intelligent and precise level of city management and to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. The SIC earnestly implemented the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the important speech of Party Secretary-General Xi Jinping on “accelerating the promotion of blockchain technology and industrial innovation and development”, and actively planes, explores and promotes blockchain technology and new smart cities The deep integration and development of the digital economy, together with China Mobile, China UnionPay and other units, have initially completed a pilot deployment of a certain range of blockchain service networks across the country.  

Liu Yunan pointed out that the blockchain service network is still in its initial establishment stage. It should consolidate the wisdom and advantages of all parties, better serve the strategic deployment of the national blockchain strategy, and better lead the industry to achieve innovative development. Firstly, to further strengthen strategic research to serve national decision-making. It is necessary to closely focus on the key development directions and realistic needs of China's blockchain development, especially around how to use blockchain to further promote data sharing, optimize business processes, reduce operating costs, improve collaboration efficiency, build a trusted system, and improve government governance capabilities On the other hand, it shall carry out systematic and forward-looking research to provide intellectual support for the government to formulate relevant industrial policies and regulatory mechanisms. The second is to strengthen technical research and lead the development of the industry. It is necessary to focus on the technological frontiers of blockchain development, strengthen basic research around China's blockchain application needs, enhance original innovation and integrated innovation capabilities, and provide solid support and guarantee for the development of blockchain applications in various industries. The third is to strengthen resource integration and create a development ecology. It is necessary to further integrate the technological research and development advantages and elements resources of all partners, promote the deep integration of industry, university, and research, and continue to develop and optimize the underlying architecture, basic capabilities, functional modules and operation and maintenance system of the blockchain service network, and promote the rapid commercialization of blockchain technology and innovative development.  

Representatives from the SIC, Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, China Mobile, China UnionPay, related enterprises and media attended the conference.