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National Investment Online Approval Platform’s Application Training Meeting held in Hangzhou
Source:Department of Public Technical Service Date:2018-11-27

To promote the ‘technology + regime’ infusion, support the reform of investment and financing system, the National Investment Online Approval Platform’s Application Training Meeting, hosted by National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC) and State Information Center, was held in Hangzhou on November 20-21. Ou Hong, Han Zhifeng, Director-General and Deputy Director-General respectively of the Fixed Investment Department of the NDRC, attended the meeting and made speeches. Zhou Min, Vice President of State Information Center, was present and declared the result of appraisal.


Ou Hong, Director-General of the Fixed Investment Department of NDRC, said the launching and using investment online platform is an important action in the CPC Party Central Committee and State Council’s reform of investment system under the guidance of the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. After joint efforts, the application level of central and local investment online platform has been up steadily, and becoming the basic platform of investment management for local Development and Reform Commissions, the synergized service platform benefits investors, the decision making support platform for the investment management level, and operation support platform for the weight moving to surveillance during and after the approval. Next, local governments shall improve the functions of the online platform and utilize the platform effectively on the basis of better approval process and strengthened supervision.


Han Zhifeng, Deputy Director-General of the Fixed Investment Department of the NDRC, emphasized that using investment online platform is the key tool of investment. It’s an important support for the government to transform its function from investment administration to service, and the guarantee to deepen investment approval reform. The investment administration with online platform, the direction shall be to elevate the investor’s sense of improvement by reform, to advance the functions of online platform, to provide useful information to the related groups and entities, to dig big data of investment management, to support the division of labor and cooperation on investment administration and professional management.


SIC Vice President Zhou Min said in announcing the evaluation results, this training session shows local governments made good progress and highlights, and many promotion methods can be learned. In the next stage of platform development, we shall: firstly, make efforts on data work, in terms of quality and time-effectiveness; secondly, extend the coverage of three levels from province to city and county, including approval and each step can be done online; thirdly, work on key innovation applications to make surveillance after approval more important.  

The meeting including training and presentation competition, which included presentation by group and final evaluation. Nine departments were invited, including State Commission Office of Public Sectors Reform, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ministry of Ecology and Environment, Xinhua News Agency, China National Association of Engineering Consultants, experts from investment administration, administrative approval system reform, economic forecast research, informatization and e-government, to evaluate comprehensively on platform application, regulation completion, innovation exploration, and other indexes. After group competition and final evaluation, Zhejiang, Hubei, Beijing, Shanxi, Xiamen made ‘National Exemplary Platform of Investment Administration Service’. Jiangsu, Yunnan, Shanghai, Jiangxi and Qinghai were selected as ‘National Excellent Platform of Investment Administration Service’  .