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The First BSN Global Tech-Innovation Summit Held in Wuhan
Source:Department of Informatization and Industry Development Date:2020-11-27

On November 27th, 2020, the First Blockchain Service Network(BSN) Global Tech-Innovation Summit (herein referred to as the summit) and Hubei Blockchain Technology Innovation Conference, co-sponsored by the State Information Center(SIC) and Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, were held in Wuhan. Xiao Juhua, Vice Governor of Hubei Province, Liu Yunan, President of the SIC, Lu Jun, Vice Secretary General of Hubei Provincial Government, Cheng Yongwen, Director-General of Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Tu Xiaojun, Executive Vice-President of China UnionPay, etc. attended the summit, and initiated the construction of the backbone network and E-government network of Hubei BSN. Xiao Juhua, Liu Yunan, Tu Xiaojun and Fan Bingheng, General Manager of Hubei Branch of China Mobile, delivered speeches respectively.



Liu Yunan mentioned in his speech that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and innovation has become a key variable affecting and changing global competition. At present, Chinas economy has been transitioning to a stage of high-quality development, which requires an active response to various challenges and bottlenecks, firmly holding on the initiative of development, higher requirements for scientific and technological innovation and an urgent demand for the extensive application of new technologies.


According to Liu Yunan, the SIC resolutely implements the guiding principles of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping on "expediting the development of blockchain technology and innovation-driven industrial development", and carries out the top-level design and R&D work for blockchain-based Service Network together with China Mobile, China UnionPay and other units. BSN has been commercially available with city public nodes in over 130 places worldwide. Four provincial blockchain backbone networks in Zhejiang, Beijing, Fujian and Hubei have been put into operation, spawning a number of innovative applications for public welfare, traceability, E-invoice, IPR protection, supply chain management, etc.. It has played an important role in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic, logistic and work resumption, and effectively promoted the rapid popularization and innovative development of blockchain technology.


Liu Yunan pointed out that the development and application of blockchain technology is in the ascendant, so we should continue to deepen technological innovation and industrial application to serve the deployment of the national blockchain strategy. First, we need to make joint efforts to tackle key problems and accelerate breakthroughs in core technologies. It is necessary to deepen the integration of industries, universities and research, and continuously optimize the underlying architecture, basic capabilities, functional modules and the operation and maintenance system of BSN in order to provide safe and controllable technical support for the application and development of blockchain. Second, we need to strengthen the backbone network, and enrich the blockchain industry ecology. It is necessary to accelerate the building of provincial level blockchain backbone networks and other public service carriers, and build a blockchain infrastructure service platform that integrates technical services and blockchain application in order to speed up the development of the blockchain industry. Third, we need to deepen the application of blockchain and empower high-quality economic development. With blockchain we will build a mutual trust mechanism among parties, actively explore the innovation of the digital economy model, promote the effective coordination between supply side and demand side of various industries, and support the new development pattern where domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other.



The plaque awarding ceremony of the permanent site for the BSN Global Tech-Innovation Summit, the plaque awarding ceremony of the BSN Tech-Innovation Base, and the launching ceremony of Hubei provincial BSN backbone network and Hubei provincial BSN E-government network were also held at the summit. On behalf of State Information Center, the leading unit of the BSN Development Alliance, Liu Yunan awarded the plaque to Hubei Province and started the construction of Hubei BSN backbone network and E-government network.



Shan Zhiguang, Director-General of the Department of Informatization and Industry Development, and President of the BSN Development Alliance, gave a keynote speech with the title of "Innovation and Practice of BSN". According to Shan, from "Internet-based" to "cloud computing-based" and "blockchain-based", the "paradigm" revolution has begun for blockchain, in which science, technology and social governance are integrated, promoting the transformation of the Internet from "information Internet" to "value Internet". BSN is committed to lowering the high cost of alliance chain applications, and providing a public blockchain resource environment for developers with the Internet concept, which has significantly reduced the development, deployment, operation and maintenance, connectivity and supervision costs of blockchain application. A wide range of "Blockchain+" applications have been carried out in multiple scenarios, such as livelihood and government services, smart cities and digital economy. The layout and construction of BSN public network, provincial backbone network, E-government private network and industry-based private network, etc. are accelerating the rapid popularization and development of blockchain technology.


As the most technical-specified blockchain tech-innovation summit with the largest international influence in China, this summit brought together top level experts and industry leaders from around the world who are engaged in the field of blockchain technology. David Rutter, CEO of R3, Brian Behlendorf, Executive Chairman of Hyperledger, Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, Silvio Micali, winner of the Turing Award and professor of MIT, Vinay Srinivas, person in charge of quantitative analytics and digital transformation of UBS Asia, Fabian Gompf, VP at Parity Technologies, etc. attended the summit online, and shared their research experience with guests from the perspective of technology development and innovation.


Over 400 participants attended the summit, including representatives of governments, enterprises and telecom operators in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Foshan, Changsha, etc., people in charge of Hubei Provincial Cyberspace Administration, Hubei Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province, Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province, Hubei Provincial Local Financial Supervision Bureau, Hubei Provincial Government Affairs Administration Office, Hubei Communications Administration, Wuhan Branch of the Peoples Bank of China, Hubei Office of China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, etc., people in charge of Wuhan, Xiangyang and Yichang municipal governments and people in charge of relevant departments in each city and prefecture, people in charge of relevant financial institutions and telecom operators in Hubei Province, people in charge of blockchain enterprises and relevant manufacturing enterprises in Hubei Province, relevant media representatives, etc.