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State Information Center holds new book release conference, The New Era of Reform and Opening Up in Big Data
Source:Big Data Development Department Date:2018-10-10

The new book The New Era of Reform and Opening Up in Big Data release conference was held in the Commercial Press in Beijing on the morning of October 10. Cheng Xiaobo, President of State Information Center, and Yu Dianli, General Manager of the Commercial Press, spoke at the event and unveiled the new book. Zhou Min, Vice President of the SIC, hosted the meeting.

Cheng Xiaobo, President of State Information Center, delivered a speech.

Cheng Xiaobo said, reform and opening up is the powerful drive of the China’s modernization. State Information Center (SIC) has insisted on providing support with advanced technology and serving reform and opening up while following the trend of the times after SIC’s establishment. In recent years, SIC set up the NDRC Internet Big Data Analysis Center, Big Data Development Department and Digital China Institute, and organized the creation of the book The New Era of Reform and Opening Up in Big Data, which tried to examine the history of reform in big data’s perspective and approach, mark its experience, difficulties and challenges with data and provide valuable experience and reference. In the future SIC will continue to forge leading and exemplary big data brands to contribute to reform and opening up.

Yu Dianli, General Manager of the Commercial Press, made a speech.

Yu dianli said, The New Era of Reform and Opening Up in Big Data is a crucial book to commemorate the 40 years anniversary of reform and opening up by SIC and the Commercial Press. The book provides concrete and rich information on the progress and effect of China’s reform and opening up so that people from home and abroad can know it comprehensively and objectively. As the earliest publishing house in China, the Commercial Press continues to renovate and produce excellent books that can well transmit Chinese stories and spread the voice of China.

Fan Hengshan,famous economist and former Deputy Secretary General of NDRC, and Yin Wenquan, Director General and Research Fellow of Institute of Economic System and Management, NDRC, gave brilliant remarks on the book as invited experts. Yu Shiyang, Direct General of SIC’s Big Data Development Department introduced the book.

Representatives from universities, research institute, companies and reporters from CCTV, People’s Daily and Xinhua News Agency and others, totally over 40 media, attended the release conference.