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World Digital Economy Conference 2020 and New Smart City Innovation Development Forum Held

Jointly hosted by Peoples Government of Ningbo city, SIC and other departments, the World Digital Economy Conference 2020 and the 10th Smart City and Intelligent Economy Expo were held in Ningbo on September 11, 2020. Zhang Xueying, Vice President of SIC attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech.

Zhang Xueying mentioned that the world is suffering from the COVID19 epidemic, which makes the digital economy become the main engine of global economic growth. The construction of new smart city provided scenorias, conditions, production factors and a giant market for the booming of the digital economy. SIC implemented the decisions by the Party Central Committee and the State Council on digital economy and new smart cities, explored and promoted the integration of blockchain technology, new smart city, and digital economy, It has initially completed the development of nationwide blockchain service network application, which will provide a credible, reliable, and extensible infrastructure for new smart city construction and digital economy development.

Zhang Xueying said that the new smart city is a comprehensive infrastructure to coordinate the construction of digital government, to promote urban-rural integration, and to accelerate the development of digital economy. A further promotion of the construction of new smart city requires: firstly, strengthen the innovation of systems and mechanisms, and establish an efficient and smooth organization,management and operation mechanism; secondly, strengthen data integration and sharing, break inter-department information barriers, stimulate the value and cultivate the market of data factor; thirdly, promote system integration and improve governance capabilities; forthly, innovation on digital technology and accelerate digital economy development, thus make big data a way to optimize industrial cooperation, adopt Internet plus to improve industrial organization efficiency, so as to promote economic transformation and upgrading and improve the quality of employment.



As an important part of the conference, the New Smart City Innovation Development Forum, which was hosted by the Department of Informatization and Industry Development, SIC and Ningbo Economic and Information Technology Bureau, was successfully held in the form of cloud conferencing on the morning of September 12. Shan Zhiguang, Director-General of Department of Informatization and Industry Development, SIC and director of the Smart City Development Research Center, gave a keynote speech on "Blockchain + New Smart City". Shan Zhiguang mentioned that blockchain technology has the characteristics of wide distribution, transparency, traceability, and anti-tampering, which can be applied in promoting smart city management and services, integrating the organizational structure, make it more horizontal and more transparent, for governance and service, thus improving the credibility of governance data and promoting the modernization of governance capabilities. Shan Zhiguang believes that the Blockchain Service Network (BSN) provides a high-quality, customized technical support platform and a credible, reliable, extensible infrastructure service for the construction of new smart city, which offers an effective solution to data resource circulation, allocation of innovative elements , confirmation of intangible assets right , co-creating revenue sharing, and trust building so as to remove the obstacles of smart city construction.