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State Information Center Organized A Learning Activity on CPC History With the Theme of “Carrying Forward The Long Match Spirit” and the Lecture Series for Collective Intelligence
Source:General Office Date:2021-03-15

To further study and implement the essence of General Secretary Xi Jinping s key speech at the mobilization meeting of the learning and education on CPC History, the State Information Center(SIC) organized a learning activity of the Party history and the 13th Lecture Series for Collective Intelligence on the morning of March 12th. The learning activity invited Tian Jingsheng, researcher of Beijing Normal University and member of the academic board of the Chinese Society of Education, to deliver a lecture on Carrying Forward The Long Match Spirit. Liu Yunan, SICs President and Secretary of the Party Committee, Wu Wenhua, Deputy Secretary of SIC Party Committee and Secretary of SIC Discipline Inspection Commission attended the learning activity. Wang Li, member of SIC Party Committee and Director-General of Party Committee Office presided over the learning activity. About 100 participants including Party members from the general Party branches and Party sub-branches attended the learning activity.


Tian Jingsheng started the presentation with speeches of old-generation top leaders of the Central Committee of CPC. He reviewed the historical and practical significance of the Long March comprehensively and systematically with the perspectives of historical background, key nodes, troops and leaders concerned, places passed and battles experienced, and important realignments and conferences. He presented abundant historical materials, profoundly interpreting the Long Match spirit as the exploration of revolutionary pattern, the expedition that waking the people, the spirit of sacrifice and struggle, and the adherence to ideals and beliefs. As one of the valuable spiritual wealth of CPC, the Long Match spirit is the eternal aspiration of the Communists.


As Xi Jinping, General Secretary of CPC Central Committee emphasized, the spirit of the Long March, as an important constituent of Chinese Communists red heritage, has been deeply infused into the veins and soul of the Chinese nation, becoming a rich source of nutrition supporting our core socialist values, and a powerful inner drive spurring the Chinese people to constantly surmount difficulties and advance from victory to victory. The Party members and cadres of SIC will unite as one and work hard to reproduce the success of the Long March in the new era to deliver a satisfactory answer to the 100 anniversary of the founding of the Party with remarkable progress.