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State Information Center and the People’s Government of Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement
Source:Big Data Development Department Date:2019-03-13

On the morning of March 11, 2019, the State Information Center (SIC) and the Peoples Government of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province held a signing ceremony for the strategic cooperation framework agreement in Beijing. Cheng Xiaobo, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the State Information Center, and Long Xiaohua, Deputy Secretary and Governor of the Xiangxi Autonomous Prefecture signed the agreement on behalf of both parties.


Governor Long Xiaohua first thanked SIC for sending outstanding cadres to support Xiangxis poverty alleviation and high-quality development. As an information-based national think tank, SIC boasts with a batch of talents with top-level professional background and practical experiences. It is hoped that in the future, SIC will continue to provide support in terms of talents, technology and big data resources to help Xiangxi win the fight against poverty, undertake industrial transfer, and nurture new forces of the digital economy.


President Cheng Xiaobo says that SIC attaches great importance to poverty alleviation and information construction in ethnic minority areas, and is willing to fully support the development of smart cities and big data industries in Xiangxi. The signing of this agreement will promote the cooperation between SIC and Xiangxi Prefecture to a new stage. And it also puts forward new requirements and expectations for SIC. He hopes to make more progress for the economic and social development of Xiangxi through the new cooperation platform.


According to the cooperation agreement, both sides will play their respective advantages and carry out in-depth cooperation in the areas of “regional development”, “technical cooperation” and “digital economy development”. The Xiangxi Prefecture Government will provide temporary posts and communication opportunities for outstanding technical cadres of SIC, and hire technical experts from SIC to guide the development of Xiangxi and the digital economy. SIC will provide professional guidance for Xiangxi Prefecture to train professionals, support professionals working in Xiangxi from SIC and hire experts for technical guidance.


Relevant persons in charge of the General Office, Department of Public Technical Service, Department of Big Data Development, Party Committee Office and other departments attended the signing ceremony of the agreement.